Friday, February 20, 2009

Field Trip!!!!!!

So yesterday I went to the Renaissance Festival and it was so awesome here r some pics.

So yesterday I went to the Renaissance Festival and it was so awesome here r some pics.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

License to bite

So I was looking at Twilight stuff and I came across this I thought I would just post it as a random post

My Quiz from

Quiz by Madison
1) What r my dog's names
Deisel and Bruiser
Kellie and Rockstar
Missy and Rudy
Lilly and Ray

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Saturday, February 14, 2009

Saturday, February 7, 2009

New in town

So me, Olivia, Taylor, and Savannah went to the movies today and saw New in town, that is a really good movie. It was so much fun!!!!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Superbowl News

I am so mad the horrible Steelers won I was all the way for the Cardinals. We went to the Kleinlein's house for the superbowl and everyone was for the cardinals and they lost we thought they had it but they just lost it. I am really really mad!!!!!! Maybe we can make it next superbowl and we will actually win it!!!! It was the best superbowl game and pary I have ever seen and been to It was awesome and had very very good food I am glad they had a good game and did not talk crap about the cardinals after the game Superbowl #43 I think the Cardinals did a really good game!!!!

Thoughts posted by Madison