Friday, January 30, 2009

I have been tagged!!!! (again)

This time by Auburn

8 things I am passionate about:

*My dog's
*my house
*my family
*The Cardinal's
*My awesome shirt and necklace

8 phrases or words I use the most:

*cool i o
*show your aewsomeness
*Go Cardinals
*Squish them like a bug
*Let's ge

8 things I want to do before I die:

*grow up
*get a cell phone
*have my very own dog
*get rockband 2
*move to Georgia or Kentucky
*Invent my own clothes line
*get a black tahoe hybrid or a black suburban hybrid
* have an awsome sweet 16

8 places I want to visit:

*The international spy mueseum in Washington D.C.
*Go to one of the olympics
*New York

8 favorite restraunts:

*In N Out
*Jack in the box
*Uncle Bear's
*Texas Roadhouse

8 tv shows:

*food channel cook off
*Jon and Kate plus 8
*Toddlers and tiaras
*Americon Idol
*17 kids and counting
*Little people big world
*Drake and Josh

8th folder 8th picture: {or just for your viewing pleasure}

I tag: Olivia; Brianna; Chloe; Natalie; and Tatum

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Who is going to the superbowl!!!!!!!!

The Cardinals
And the steelers

2 of my favorite teams oh yea

Trip to Tennessee and Georga over break

And Brooklyn she makes the funniest face expressions like the one in the pic and she did not even know it
Brianna is super nice and is really hillarious she is awsome
Now Maddie she is a little stinker!!!! I love this picture she says the funniest things that make you die out laughing
Landon he is quite a character very active and loud that is for sure
Buddy, what an amazing dog he is so stuborn at times my aunt Tiffany has a really long driveway up a hill and Buddy would not come so I had to pick him up and carry him up the hill almost falling and he is like 30 - 40 pounds but he is so funny
Macey is awsome and very nice she has like a really cool pesonality
Kenzie is a total Twilght fan her ticket is sealed up in a case
Crazy Kenzie she is so funny
Them on top of Kenzie's bed she has the same bedding as me which is so cool Target folks
Mckenzie is in the front then Mckay and Macey are behind her I told them not to do bunny ears but they did They were being silly